
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 4 Memphis,TN to Gainesville, FL- 670

Hey everybody,
WE ARE IN FLORIDA!!!!! After a long day of driving (over 12 hours) we arrived this evening in Gainesville (birthplace of Tom Petty). This morning we started with a little tour in Memphis, TN. We visited Graceland and the Graceland mansion, and the original Sun Record Studio. This is where Elvis recorded his first album and many others very important music stars started their careres and Rock n' Roll. From Memphis we drove south into Birmingham, Alabama. Then we contiued to Montgomery, Alabama(Rossa Parks and the Bus Boycott). From Memphis to Mongomery we were driving on a freeeway, then to the border of Georgia we were on a two lane road for more that 150 miles. The drive it self was very senenic. We drove through small towns some depressing some not, no traffic, and good weather. When we got into Georgia it started to get dark and the drive into Florida was uneventfull and we had some very yummy ... NOT Wendies dinner. It was soo disgusiting we were considering driving all the way to bonita springs. Tomorow will be our last travel blog for 4 days. Don't worry though we will keep writing about our food and drink experience.
Recording studio
Nobody was home
Graceland mansion
Why does Elvis get a street named after him but not me???
Downtown Birmingham
Confederate memorial in Alabama
Downtown Montgomery
Horse ranch
Opposite of a low rider a high rider
Finally off the small road and a nice lake to welcome us back to civilization.
Tomorow is the las leg of our trip to Bonita Springs, FL.

1 comment:

  1. Hallo Nik, hallo Peter,
    schön eure Reise mitverfolgen zu können und schön, dass es euch gut geht. Ich bin schon gespannt, wie´s weiter geht.
    Alles Liebe Maria
